As much as I love that last art project I suppose I can't leave it as my last post forever. ;-)
Once we get going with our art lessons this June I'll start posting pictures of what we've done.
This time I have an idea I want to work on. I've been throwing it around in my head for a few months trying to get it to work with this summer's art lessons, but I haven't figured out how to make it work as a class (I don't want to be stuck editing 30 movies) or some of the details of how to share the end result. I'm going to throw it out there anyway. This is what my kids will be doing this summer:
First write a script for a 5 minutes or less (family friendly rating) movie. It can be animated, slideshow, stop motion photography, music video, movie of a poem or part of another written work (story, play, book). One rule- somewhere in the movie has to be a bicycle. A bicycle can be the main theme or just one somewhere in the background, but there has to be a bike at some point in the movie no matter how brief.
Step 2 make the movie using any kind of camera you want, cell phone, video, whatever you've got.
Step 3 edit the movie.
Step 4 share the movie. This is where I'm having trouble. I'd love it if everyone who participated sent me a copy of your movie and then I burned them all on a dvd and sent them to everyone. I don't really want my address on the internet though. I suppose if everyone had a youtube account or knows someone with one everyone could comment a link to their movie? Any suggestions?
There's a lot of creative people out there so I think this could be a really fun summer project. Anyone any age interested?
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