Circus Parade

The first day of our week of circus art we started with sculpting animals, things, or people you might see in a circus parade.  We used Cloud Clay that I purchased from Dick Blick.  The colors we great and vibrant and easy to mix together to make new colors. 
To mix a new color you take some of two colors and knead them, squish them, stretch them together.  We came up with some fun swirl patterns too when mixing the colors. 
The clay is almost more of a foamy feel than a greasy feel you might get with other clays.  Cloud Clay is air dry so you don't need to bake it.  It dries quickly so you want to take a little at a time and keep what you aren't using in the package.  I put each pack inside a zip lock bag and sealed it while it wasn't being used to make sure it didn't dry out.  I let the kids pretty much do what ever they wanted and they didn't really need a lot of help- which was good because I stayed busy the whole hour of each class just passing out clay and putting it back in the bags.  Here's some results:  (sorry the last one is fuzzy- we had a very steamy day on our art show and I couldn't keep my camera lens from fogging up).

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